Movie updates: Inglourious Basterds, Whip It, A Serious Man

Inglourious Basterds - The Tarantino predilection towards violence and gore is full frontal and bites hard. With a rich history of deplorable humanity as a backdrop, Tarantino weaves a fictional path where a handful of bad ass Jews get a sliver of payback. Worth seeing to complete your Tarantino orgasm or fulfill your desire for revisionist history.

Whip It - As one of only a handful of slack-jawed knuckle draggers in the audience I felt like I was intruding on a sacred female bonding ritual. Needless to say the movie was quite cute with a splash of humor dripping off the meaty girl-meets-world-and-dares-to-forge-her-own-path main course. Do see this film if you suffer from periodic ovarian ache syndrome or mammarian tenderness disorder.

A Serious Man - In the latest installment from the Coen brothers we find out what it is like to be trapped in your very own Sisyphean nightmare complete with wretched wife, ingrate children, no-goodnik brother and soul searching ethical quandaries. Larry, our neutered hero, hurtles through life careening from one problem to the next with no end in sight. All this takes places within the fishbowl of a close knit Jewish community in late 1960's middle America. Kudos for best bar mitzvah scene filmed in recent memory. If you think you have it bad, go melt your problems away by seeing how bad it could be.